Fire Safety for Stables

Fire safety can be a daunting subject. Choosing the right fire extinguishers or carrying out fire risk assessments for those with little experience might be a minefield but with our simple to follow guides we can help you through the process to make you compliant and safe for your horses, staff and visitors. Giving you step by step guidance and advise.

One thing we have heard time and time again is “I wish I had done that” It is too late once it has happened the best advise we can offer is BE PROACTIVE NOT REACTIVE.

In all our tests and trials, we have seen how quickly fire can develop and spread with dramatic results, never underestimate the power of fire.

Rural settings are not only further from fire stations but often in narrow lanes and areas with reduced access, water supplies reduced or further away, all these factors add to the timeline of a developing fire and reduce the likelihood of saveable life and property.

Generally the public perception is that all fire stations are staffed 24/7, this is far from the case, most outlying fire stations are part time “retained” fire stations, this means the fire fighters are only called on when needed, from the time of call the crew has 5 minutes to attend the station and get the appliance mobile, with the average travel time of 20 minutes in rural areas you may be lucky to see the first attending fire appliance in 20-25 minutes. All our burn trials have demonstrated that an unprotected stable building will be completely involved in fire within 5 minutes.