Fire Safety Resources

Here in our resources section you will find a number of free downloadable tools to aid you with managing fire safety at your establishment.


Contacts list: This simple form allows you to write down all you key contacts in one place so all staff can have access. The idea is that even if you are not on site staff can get the resources needed to site as soon as possible in an emergency situation.

Emergency Contacts list

Rural Emergency Action Details: This form is designed for you to put down as much information as possible about your site, in an emergency situation the pressure is on and things get forgotten, simple things like postcodes which can often be sketchy in rural areas might delay a response. Using Ordinance Survey map references or if your fire service uses map books see if you can obtain you  F&RS map book reference this is hugely helpful in speeding up a response. Utilities such as gas will be a high priority as well as securing a water supply, get to know your area and find your nearest fire hydrant and if you have additional water supplies on site such as ponds or swimming pool.

Rural Emergency Action Details

Fire Safety Management Plan: Using this plan will help identify the key roles in you fire safety plan, rather than one person doing everything let others take part, often is the case, two sets of eyes is better than one, other people may have other ideas or approaches to some areas. Also splitting tasks makes the job easier, identify key people for tasks using this guide.

Fire Safety Management Plan

For further advice on using this form or carrying out fire risk assessments email us